Heindalis Appartements

Heindalis Appartements is a holiday house rental based in Ischgl, Austria. They are focused on accommodating large groups of up to 20 people per house in the snowy alps of Austria. I built them a brand new website to deliver their value to the world.

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Starting Point

Heindalis Appartements had an outdated website which didn’t represent the core of the company anymore. They needed a new website without huge expenditure of their own time. By the time we started, the last taken pictures were just like the old website 13 years old.

Project goals

In order to be successful in an area with lots of competition you need to stand out and be seen. Through their special niche (accommodation of large groups) standing out wasn’t hard, however the user had to notice that special opportunity. Lots of competition means lots of competitional websites. Through outstanding Search Engine Optimization we managed to rank well in most google search results regarding Ischgl.

The result

Since the launch of the new Heindalis Website we saw a significant boost in both requests and bookings. We are still seeing the effects from years of bad SEO on the old website, however our ranking significantly improved.

Portrait of David Kathrein

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